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Port Masnou, Port Esportiu del Masnou, El Masnou, España

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Barco de Alquiler

El Masnou

The best destinations and fleets at your fingertips in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, specialist in nautical events, team building programs and corporate regattas. A strange and extraordinary feeling can happen when co-workers become members of a team, in the search for the optimization of effort and performance. Actions taken during the sailing activity carry over into the workplace in the shape of leadership, productivity and communication. At we know that there is no better way to learn and transfer that knowledge to the real world than to share an experience as stimulating as sailing.

Team Building on cruise ships

Minimum number of participants: 6
Maximum number of participants: 30
Approximate duration of the activity: from 1 morning to 1 day

Requirements: Sportswear, swimwear, white rubber shoes or Nautica and, depending on the season, warm clothes. Barcodealquiler delivers T-shirts (Summer) or Waterproof Nautical Jackets (Winter) within the price of the activity

Languages in which the activity can be done: Catalan, Spanish, English

Other important information: Unlike most corporate Team Building courses, our courses incorporate a theoretical part and its practical staging. The result is that they are long remembered and will be talked about after the experience is over. Testing personal and team skills in an alternative environment has a great impact and value that will last over time. Sailing is a unique experience: there is no other activity that generates such a spirit of team and so effectively in such a short time.



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