Club de Rem Mataró 20149045 1636866743010585 1953125209 o Aida Valgreen

Contact details and Social Media

Club de Rem Mataró location icon

Port de Mataró, Carrer Port de Mataró, Mataró, España

Club de Rem Mataró instagram icon

Club de Rem Mataró


Club de Rem de Mataró is a rowing sports club located in Mataró. Through the practice of rowing, they promote the realization of a very complete sport that allows you to work on your fisical strength but also aspects such as teamwork, confidence and self-esteem. All within an unbeatable setting, our sea and the Maresmen coast.


Introductory session to rowing on a fixed bench. Team coordination and trust with the coxswain and teammates will be worked on.