La Canetenca

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Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 11, Canet de Mar, Espanya

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Cerveses La Canetenca beer tasting

Canet de Mar

Craft beer tasting and pairing

La Canetenca base activity is the production of beers rooted in the territory. All the references have a link with cultural, heritage or historical aspects of Canet de Mar. They have been designed in such a way that both the content and the design of the labeling make sense.

But they don’t just make beers. They also do craft beer pedagogy. Master brewer, Santi Triviño, is an international beer judge, who on the one hand makes his beers faithful to a style; and on the other hand has an extensive knowledge of the sector. To date, he has won 13 awards in different national and international competitions.

The services Cerveses La Canetenca offers are tastings and pairings at home and for public and/or private events.

Tastings are always accompanied by audiovisual material to show what beer is like and what the differences are between styles, while tasting beers.
It is worth saying that the tastings can be of the reference properties or of any type of specific style that the client proposes.



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