Sonority Sonority 2

Contact details and Social Media

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Carrer de Rovira I Virgili, 12, 08195 Sant Cugat del Vallès, España

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Sonority servei habitacions blau Sonority gimnas blau Sonority pista esportiva blau Sonority acces directe platja blau Sonority aire condicionat blau Sonority calefaccio blau Sonority telefon en habitacions blau Sonority tv en habitacions blau Sonority antena parabolica blau Sonority accessibilitat minusvalids blau Sonority sala convencions blau Sonority sala jocs blau Sonority sala festes blau Sonority parking blau Sonority restaurant blau Sonority menus especials blau Sonority bar blau Sonority ascensor blau Sonority Sonority piscina coberta blau Sonority spa blau Sonority animacio blau Sonority bugaderia blau Sonority Sonority canvi moneda blau Sonority admet animals blau Sonority jardi terrassa blau Sonority perruqueria blau Sonority botiga blau Sonority Sonority wifi blau


We meet and solve any needs related to the audiovisual world, whether for local events, mixing studios or post-production studios

At Sonority we are in charge of offering audiovisual services. Among our services, we offer assembly, rental and installation of sound, lighting and projection equipment.


  • Assembly of scenarios
  • Assembly and control with our sound, lighting and projection equipment technicians.
  • Recording of announcements, video reports, video drones and photo reports.
  • Technicians, assemblers and musicians for events.
  • Rental of audiovisual material
  • Installation and maintenance of audiovisual equipment…