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Camí de la Riera de Santa Susanna, Santa Susanna, España

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Nou Ranxo

Santa Susanna

Horse riding routes. The equestrian adventure

Enjoy the adventure with animals and nature. Horseback excursion through Parc del Montnegre and Corredor.

Maximum number of participants: 60 people
Minimum number of participants: 1 participant

Approximate duration of the activity: 1 hour

Requirements: it is recommended to do the activity with long pants and comfortable clothing

Languages in which the activity can be done: Catalan and Spanish

Other important information: The groups to carry out the activity will have a maximum of 15 people, it is necessary to make a reservation in advance. Apart from the horse riding excursions, other activities of all kinds are carried out, birthdays, school excursions, summer camp




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