Masia Can Castellar 4939f775 c5bf 4a89 aeab e33b6e9edd96

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Can Castellar (Sant Iscle de Vallalta), Masia Can Castellar, San Acisclo de Vallalta, España

Masia Can Castellar tel icon
34 661018564
Masia Can Castellar icones fitxa llit 02

Hotel Beds: 19-21 – Rooms: 7

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Masia Can Castellar

Sant Iscle de Vallalta

Rural housing for tourist use

Masia Can Castellar is a farmhouse located in the middle of the natural park of Montnegre i Corredor. With 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, two kitchens, two dining rooms and a small meeting space of 40 m2, the interior auditorium, with capacity for 20-25 people.

Outside, the farm has 15 hectares of land to host outdoor activities (teambuilding, incentives, group activities). They offer homemade cheese tasting workshop, homemade beer and outdoor yoga sessions.

The outdoor spaces are ideal for hosting small events and celebrations, for groups of around 30 or 40 people



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