Maresme Waves 196326613 3794279287367157 7601933829478772211 n

Contact details and Social Media

Maresme Waves location icon

Carrer Camil Fabra, 3, El Masnou, España

Maresme Waves facebook icon
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Maresme Waves youtube icon

Maresme Waves

El Masnou

Maresme Waves Biosphere certified 60x60 1

Surf, Paddle Surf, skate School and Club

Maresme Waves is a surf, paddle surf and skateboard school located a few meters from the sea, in the municipality of El Masnou. It is a meeting point for lovers of the sea and its sports, especially surfing.

They have a team of event organizers to help you organize your custom celebration or event (from competitions to team buildings, private celebrations, product launches and more).

  • Work sessions
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Celebrations
  • Appetizers
  • Cocktails
  • Lunches and ddinners
  • Conferences
  • Product Presentaiont
  • Openings


  • Competitions