El Moll d'Arenys elmoll e1629726772677

Contact details and Social Media

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Port d’Arenys de Mar, Arenys de Mar, España

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El Moll d’Arenys

Arenys de Mar

Traditional shipyard space and protection of maritime heritage and promotion of classic navigation

EL MOLL promotes a network of collaborations between people, companies, entities who live together in Port d’Arenys (marina)  and the Maresme coast and who have in common skills, professional experience and love for the sea.

EL MOLL is a proposal made by Classicmar in mid-2013 to make Port d’Arenys a Mediterranean point of reference for ships and classic sailing. Since then, more ideas have been added, ranging from the promotion of new economic activities and trades to new cultural and recreation and leisure projects related to the nautical and maritime sphere.

After the meeting activities

El Moll offers closed saling trips with traditional boats including tastings and swimming in the Mediterranean. They also offer a tour of the entire shipyard facility with a detailed explanation of the master craftsman’s trades and restoration techniques from the experience of the project itself.

One of MOLL’s priorities is to create a living space of nautical history and shipbuilding:

Establish a fleet of classic and vintage boats in the Port of Arenys de Mar.
Promoting an emblematic naval recovery project (trades school classroom).



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