Can Pocurull 1F24E493 72C8 450F BE1C F8BB8A3600E6

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Xarcuteria I Càtering Can Pocurull, Carrer de Sant Joan, Vilassar de Mar, España

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Can Pocurull

Vilassar de Mar

Innovative catering service with traditional products

Family-owned business founded in 1945 in Vilassar de Mar. Can Pocurull is a delicatessen workshop and kitchen. Their motto is to innovate tradition. In other words, value traditional products by taking advantage of today’s technology.

Can Pocurull was foundedby Joan Pocurull, followed by his daughter Maria Pocurull and currently the head of the company is Núria Querol Pocurull.

Each generation has kept the good things from the store and brought new ones. In the case of Núria, she has maintained the traditional shop and workshop and also entered the world of catering.

Can Pocurull offers personalized catering for any type of event: baptisms and communions, weddings, private parties, sports clubs and associations, company meetings…


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