Fàbrica Llobet-Guri fabrica llobet guri calella

Contact details and Social Media

Fàbrica Llobet-Guri location icon

Carrer de Sant Jaume, 339, Calella, España

Fàbrica Llobet-Guri tel icon
93 766 30 30


Fàbrica Llobet-Guri servei habitacions blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri gimnas blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri pista esportiva blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri acces directe platja blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri aire condicionat blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri calefaccio blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri telefon en habitacions blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri tv en habitacions blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri antena parabolica blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri accessibilitat minusvalids blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri sala convencions blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri sala jocs blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri sala festes blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri parking blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri restaurant blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri menus especials blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri bar blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri ascensor blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri Fàbrica Llobet-Guri piscina coberta blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri spa blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri animacio blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri bugaderia blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri Fàbrica Llobet-Guri canvi moneda blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri admet animals blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri jardi terrassa blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri perruqueria blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri botiga blau Fàbrica Llobet-Guri Fàbrica Llobet-Guri wifi blau

Fàbrica Llobet-Guri


Building that houses the headquarters of several Calellan organizations and large venues for events such as carnival balls, dance festivals, concerts, etc.

Fabrica Llobet-Guri is a large building, a former textile factory and one of the most important in Spain in the knitwear genre, in other times when Calella was mainly an industrial city. It consists of four buildings, three perpendicular to Carrer de Sant Jaume and one to the side from the back, parallel to the same street

Currently, a lot of space in the three municipal buildings is used, there are the headquarters of various organizations as well as the studios of Ràdio Calella and Calella TV and the Can Llobet Music School.

The space has two large buildings, one with columns and one without columns, which are used for various events such as carnival celebrations, dance festivals, concerts and recitals, theater, fashion shows, etc.

The sports facilities at Fàbrica Llobet include table tennis facilities and a “bouldering” (climbing wall).

On the ground floor of the building, which overlooks Carrer de les Ànimes, for three years there has been the Escola Universitaria del Maresme and Diploma in Tourism studies were taught there. Today these spaces are dedicated to seminars and other activities of the school itself.

The City Council is working to give the factory more activities especially related to culture, sport and tourism.


  • Projector: installed at the request of the organizers
  • Screen: installed at the request of the organizers
  • Internet
  • Megaphone
  • Meeting room

Our venues

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