
Contact details and Social Media

METAVERSIA location icon

Carrer de l’Església, 98, 08370 Calella, Barcelona, España

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METAVERSIA servei habitacions blau METAVERSIA gimnas blau METAVERSIA pista esportiva blau METAVERSIA acces directe platja blau METAVERSIA aire condicionat blau METAVERSIA calefaccio blau METAVERSIA telefon en habitacions blau METAVERSIA tv en habitacions blau METAVERSIA antena parabolica blau METAVERSIA accessibilitat minusvalids blau METAVERSIA sala convencions blau METAVERSIA sala jocs blau METAVERSIA sala festes blau METAVERSIA parking blau METAVERSIA restaurant blau METAVERSIA menus especials blau METAVERSIA bar blau METAVERSIA ascensor blau METAVERSIA METAVERSIA piscina coberta blau METAVERSIA spa blau METAVERSIA animacio blau METAVERSIA bugaderia blau METAVERSIA METAVERSIA canvi moneda blau METAVERSIA admet animals blau METAVERSIA jardi terrassa blau METAVERSIA perruqueria blau METAVERSIA botiga blau METAVERSIA METAVERSIA wifi blau



Virtual reality experiences

Metaversia is a leisure center based on virtual reality where you can live team building experiences, virtual trips or virtual Escape Room activities for corporate groups. They currently have two centers in the Maresme, one in Calella and another in Malgrat de Mar.

The metaverse is an immersive space in virtual reality. In Calella you can enjoy more than 10 different experiences for your team.

Metaversia Calella has two rooms:

ROOM 100M2 – capacity for 20 people.
ROOM 150M2 – capacity for 30 people.


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